Source code for pmxbiobb.pmxanalyse

#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""Module containing the PMX analyse class and the command line interface."""
import argparse
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
from typing import Mapping
from biobb_common.generic.biobb_object import BiobbObject
from biobb_common.configuration import settings
from import file_utils as fu
from import launchlogger

[docs]class Pmxanalyse(BiobbObject): """ | biobb_pmx Pmxanalyse | Wrapper class for the `PMX analyse <>`_ module. Args: input_a_xvg_zip_path (str): Path the zip file containing the dgdl.xvg files of the A state. File type: input. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987). input_b_xvg_zip_path (str): Path the zip file containing the dgdl.xvg files of the B state. File type: input. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987). output_result_path (str): Path to the TXT results file. File type: output. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: txt (edam:format_2330). output_work_plot_path (str): Path to the PNG plot results file. File type: output. `Sample file <>`_. Accepted formats: png (edam:format_3603). properties (dic): * **method** (*str*) - ("CGI BAR JARZ") Choose one or more estimators to use. Values: CGI (Crooks Gaussian Intersection), BAR (Bennet Acceptance Ratio), JARZ (Jarzynski's estimator). * **temperature** (*float*) - (298.15) [0~1000|0.05] Temperature in Kelvin. * **nboots** (*int*) - (0) [0~1000|1] Number of bootstrap samples to use for the bootstrap estimate of the standard errors. * **nblocks** (*int*) - (1) [0~1000|1] Number of blocks to divide the data into for an estimate of the standard error. * **integ_only** (*bool*) - (False) Whether to do integration only. * **reverseB** (*bool*) - (False) Whether to reverse the work values for the backward (B->A) transformation. * **skip** (*int*) - (1) [0~1000|1] Skip files. * **slice** (*str*) - (None) Subset of trajectories to analyze. Provide list slice, e.g. "10 50" will result in selecting dhdl_files[10:50]. * **rand** (*int*) - (None) [0~1000|1] Take a random subset of trajectories. Default is None (do not take random subset). * **index** (*str*) - (None) Zero-based index of files to analyze (e.g. "0 10 20 50 60"). It keeps the dhdl.xvg files according to their position in the list, sorted according to the filenames. * **prec** (*int*) - (2) [0~100|1] The decimal precision of the screen/file output. * **units** (*str*) - ("kJ") The units of the output. Values: kJ (Kilojoules), kcal (Kilocalories), kT (the product of the Boltzmann constant k and the temperature). * **no_ks** (*bool*) - (False) Whether to do a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to check whether the Gaussian assumption for CGI holds. * **nbins** (*int*) - (20) [0~1000|1] Number of histograms bins for the plot. * **dpi** (*int*) - (300) [72~2048|1] Resolution of the plot. * **binary_path** (*str*) - ("pmx") Path to the PMX command line interface. * **remove_tmp** (*bool*) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files. * **restart** (*bool*) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist. * **container_path** (*str*) - (None) Path to the binary executable of your container. * **container_image** (*str*) - ("gromacs/gromacs:latest") Container Image identifier. * **container_volume_path** (*str*) - ("/data") Path to an internal directory in the container. * **container_working_dir** (*str*) - (None) Path to the internal CWD in the container. * **container_user_id** (*str*) - (None) User number id to be mapped inside the container. * **container_shell_path** (*str*) - ("/bin/bash") Path to the binary executable of the container shell. Examples: This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:: from biobb_pmx.pmxbiobb.pmxanalyse import pmxanalyse prop = { 'method': 'CGI BAR JARZ', 'temperature': 298.15, 'dpi': 600 } pmxanalyse(input_a_xvg_zip_path='/path/to/', input_b_xvg_zip_path='/path/to/', output_result_path='/path/to/newResults.txt', output_work_plot_path='/path/to/newResults.png', properties=prop) Info: * wrapped_software: * name: PMX analyse * version: >=1.0.1 * license: GNU * ontology: * name: EDAM * schema: """ def __init__(self, input_a_xvg_zip_path: str, input_b_xvg_zip_path: str, output_result_path: str, output_work_plot_path: str, properties: Mapping = None, **kwargs) -> None: properties = properties or {} # Call parent class constructor super().__init__(properties) self.locals_var_dict = locals().copy() # Input/Output files self.io_dict = { "in": {}, "out": {"output_result_path": output_result_path, "output_work_plot_path": output_work_plot_path} } # Should not be copied inside container self.input_a_xvg_zip_path = input_a_xvg_zip_path self.input_b_xvg_zip_path = input_b_xvg_zip_path # Properties specific for BB self.method = properties.get('method', "CGI BAR JARZ") self.temperature = properties.get('temperature', 298.15) self.nboots = properties.get('nboots', 0) self.nblocks = properties.get('nblocks', 1) self.integ_only = properties.get('integ_only', False) self.reverseB = properties.get('reverseB', False) self.skip = properties.get('skip', 1) self.slice = properties.get('slice', None) self.rand = properties.get('rand', None) self.index = properties.get('index', None) self.prec = properties.get('prec', 2) self.units = properties.get('units', "kJ") self.no_ks = properties.get('no_ks', False) self.nbins = properties.get('nbins', 20) self.dpi = properties.get('dpi', 300) # Properties common in all PMX BB self.binary_path = properties.get('binary_path', 'pmx') # Check the properties self.check_properties(properties) self.check_arguments()
[docs] @launchlogger def launch(self) -> int: """Execute the :class:`Pmxanalyse <pmx.pmxanalyse.Pmxanalyse>` pmx.pmxanalyse.Pmxanalyse object.""" # Setup Biobb if self.check_restart(): return 0 self.stage_files() # Check if executable is exists if not self.container_path: if not Path(self.binary_path).is_file(): if not shutil.which(self.binary_path): raise FileNotFoundError( 'Executable %s not found. Check if it is installed in your system and correctly defined in the properties' % self.binary_path) list_a_dir = fu.create_unique_dir() list_b_dir = fu.create_unique_dir() list_a = list(filter(lambda f: Path(f).exists() and Path(f).stat().st_size > 10, fu.unzip_list(self.input_a_xvg_zip_path, list_a_dir, self.out_log))) list_b = list(filter(lambda f: Path(f).exists() and Path(f).stat().st_size > 10, fu.unzip_list(self.input_b_xvg_zip_path, list_b_dir, self.out_log))) string_a = " ".join(list_a) string_b = " ".join(list_b) # Copy extra files to container: two directories containing the xvg files if self.container_path: shutil.copytree(list_a_dir, Path(self.stage_io_dict.get("unique_dir")).joinpath(Path(list_a_dir).name)) shutil.copytree(list_b_dir, Path(self.stage_io_dict.get("unique_dir")).joinpath(Path(list_b_dir).name)) container_volume = " " + self.container_volume_path + "/" string_a = self.container_volume_path + "/" + container_volume.join(list_a) string_b = self.container_volume_path + "/" + container_volume.join(list_b) self.cmd = [self.binary_path, 'analyse', '-fA', string_a, '-fB', string_b, '-o', self.stage_io_dict["out"]["output_result_path"], '-w', self.stage_io_dict["out"]["output_work_plot_path"]] if self.method: self.cmd.append('-m') self.cmd.append(self.method) if self.temperature: self.cmd.append('-t') self.cmd.append(str(self.temperature)) if self.nboots: self.cmd.append('-b') self.cmd.append(str(self.nboots)) if self.nblocks: self.cmd.append('-n') self.cmd.append(str(self.nblocks)) if self.integ_only: self.cmd.append('--integ_only') if self.reverseB: self.cmd.append('--reverseB') if self.skip: self.cmd.append('--skip') self.cmd.append(str(self.skip)) if self.slice: self.cmd.append('--slice') self.cmd.append(self.slice) if self.rand: self.cmd.append('--rand') if self.index: self.cmd.append('--index') self.cmd.append(self.index) if self.prec: self.cmd.append('--prec') self.cmd.append(str(self.prec)) if self.units: self.cmd.append('--units') self.cmd.append(self.units) if self.no_ks: self.cmd.append('--no_ks') if self.nbins: self.cmd.append('--nbins') self.cmd.append(str(self.nbins)) if self.dpi: self.cmd.append('--dpi') self.cmd.append(str(self.dpi)) # Run Biobb block self.run_biobb() # Copy files to host self.copy_to_host() self.tmp_files.extend([self.stage_io_dict.get("unique_dir"), list_a_dir, list_b_dir]) self.remove_tmp_files() self.check_arguments(output_files_created=True, raise_exception=False) return self.return_code
[docs]def pmxanalyse(input_a_xvg_zip_path: str, input_b_xvg_zip_path: str, output_result_path: str, output_work_plot_path: str, properties: dict = None, **kwargs) -> int: """Execute the :class:`Pmxanalyse <pmx.pmxanalyse.Pmxanalyse>` class and execute the :meth:`launch() <pmx.pmxanalyse.Pmxanalyse.launch> method.""" return Pmxanalyse(input_a_xvg_zip_path=input_a_xvg_zip_path, input_b_xvg_zip_path=input_b_xvg_zip_path, output_result_path=output_result_path, output_work_plot_path=output_work_plot_path, properties=properties).launch()
[docs]def main(): """Command line execution of this building block. Please check the command line documentation.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Wrapper class for the PMX analyse module.", formatter_class=lambda prog: argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter(prog, width=99999)) parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', required=False, help="This file can be a YAML file, JSON file or JSON string") # Specific args of each building block required_args = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments') required_args.add_argument('--input_a_xvg_zip_path', required=True, help="Path the zip file containing the dgdl.xvg files of the A state. Accepted formats: zip.") required_args.add_argument('--input_b_xvg_zip_path', required=True, help="Path the zip file containing the dgdl.xvg files of the B state. Accepted formats: zip.") required_args.add_argument('--output_result_path', required=True, help="Path to the TXT results file. Accepted formats: txt.") required_args.add_argument('--output_work_plot_path', required=True, help="Path to the PNG plot results file. Accepted formats: png.") args = parser.parse_args() config = args.config if args.config else None properties = settings.ConfReader(config=config).get_prop_dic() # Specific call of each building block pmxanalyse(input_a_xvg_zip_path=args.input_a_xvg_zip_path, input_b_xvg_zip_path=args.input_b_xvg_zip_path, output_result_path=args.output_result_path, output_work_plot_path=args.output_work_plot_path, properties=properties)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()